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Vethathiri Maharishi Ashram, Mangudi, Peralam.
Founder : Dr. G. Alagar Ramanujam
Karaikal Road, Mangudi, Kurungulam Po – 609 608
Tiruvarur District.Cell : 9626454204.

Date: 06/11/2024
Dear Friends,

We are extremely happy to inform you that Journal of Modern Physics has published our paper online on 01/11/2024.

This paper has a significant message for the scientific community, especially inphysics for the following reasons.

About 100 years ago, when it was found that the Newtonian dynamics breaks down at atomic dimensions, it was replaced by a new mechanics called Quantum Mechanics.

About 40 years ago, it was found that the Newtonian law of gravity breaks down for extremely large distances between the objects especially in a galaxy or between the galaxies.

For such a large distances of the order of 1018 or 1019km we have replaced Newtonian law of gravity by a new expression for the gravitational force. We have named this new expression as Vethathirian law of gravity.

The link for the above paper is given below.

The three reviewers for the above paper need a special appreciation. They were critical enough to improve our concepts further and at the same time liberal enough for our paper to see its publication. 

We remain thankful for the encouragement of our Vethathirian friends.

The authors of the above paper
G. Alagar Ramanujam, R. Prakash & U.V. Sivanesh.

Paper title:

Dark Energy Attenuation Based Modification of Newton’s Law of Gravity: A Theoretical Support to Milgrom’s MOND Concept.


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